Responses to consultations

Enginuity collaborates with government departments, learning organisations, trade associations, professional engineering institutions, and individual businesses to ensure that national occupational standards, occupational standards, apprenticeship standards or frameworks, qualifications, assessments, programmes, and courses meet industry needs.

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Past consultations

We welcome input from the sector to help us ensure that our skills ecosystem is fit for purpose.

Qualifications Wales Consultation

Qualifications Wales Consultation

In 2023, Qualifications Wales consulted on the Full 14-16 Qualifications Offer in Wales with proposals on a Skills Suite, Pre-vocational Qualifications, and Foundation Qualifications.  

Enginuity submitted on the consultation in June 2023: 

  • supporting the proposals for a standalone qualification, to assess the four integral skills described in the Curriculum for Wales, and Skills for Work units 
  • supporting, in principle, the proposal to include Pre-vocational qualifications in Engineering, but noting that these qualifications should be at both Level 1 and 2, rather than just Level 1, noting that, if implemented, the proposal would reduce the options for vocational learners   
  • recommending that a pass/fail grading be retained for Pre-vocational qualifications in Engineering as that better reflects the importance of consistency and standards in engineering work.

Response to the Net Zero Review Call for Evidence

The Government appointed The Rt Hon Chris Skidmore MP to lead an independent review of the government’s approach to delivering its net zero target, to ensure that it is pro-business and pro-growth. The review’s Terms of Reference are available on the Net zero review: terms of reference webpage.

Enginuity responded to the review’s Call for Evidence on 26 October 2022, noting: 

  • the centrality of workforce planning and development in realising the opportunities presented by Net Zero
  • the challenges that need to be overcome to ensure that the engineering and manufacturing workforce has the right skills
  • the measures being undertaken by Enginuity to meet these challenges using our data science tools, research, and expertise
  • amendments to government skills and education policies which would help facilitate the transition to Net Zero.  

Professor Hayward’s Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment

Professor Hayward headed an independent review of qualifications and assessment in Scotland, from October 2022 to January 2023. The review: 

  • explored different options for the future of qualifications and assessment
  • sought views on different ways that the Vision and Principles might be put into practice.

Enginuity submitted a response in January 2023 noting: 

  • how statements of skills and competencies, micro-credentials, and certificates of achievement could be used
  • the benefits of recognising and recording vocational skills and competencies proven outside of school and college, including in any achievement at the end of BGE and a leaving certificate at the end of senior year. 

Response to IfATE Mandatory Qualifications Criteria

IfATE held a consultation on its Mandatory Qualifications Criteria. IfATE proposed restricting the scope for 

In its decision, IfATE largely adopted its proposals, but provided greater flexibility by: 

  • expanding the definition of ‘Labour Market Requirements’ to include qualifications which support progression through an established career path
  • expanding the definition of ‘Regulatory and legal requirement’ to include qualifications which fulfil non-regulatory legal requirements
  • permitting, in exceptional circumstances, qualifications to deliver content which goes beyond the occupational standard
  • clarifying the integration with the EPA and setting out the aims integration must achieve rather than prescribing a particular approach.  

Would you like help with your consultation?

We work with the government, charities and other third sector partners to reach the right audience for their consultations. Find out how we can help you.
