Response to Professor Hayward’s independent review of qualifications and assessment
Professor Hayward headed an independent review of qualifications and assessment in Scotland, from October 2022 to January 2023. The review:
- explored different options for the future of qualifications and assessment
- sought views on different ways that the Vision and Principles might be put into practice.
Enginuity submitted a response in January 2023 noting:
- how statements of skills and competencies, micro-credentials, and certificates of achievement could be used
- the benefits of recognising and recording vocational skills and competencies proven outside of school and college, including in any achievement at the end of BGE and a leaving certificate at the end of senior year.
Professor Hayward’s report proposed a new model for qualifications and assessments to reduce the burden of assessment, with greater emphasis on pupil evidence from all sources, and not just examination outcomes, across the last 3 years of school.
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