What are apprenticeships?
An apprenticeship is a paid job which offers work experience alongside training with an education provider. Apprentices learn whilst they earn, achieving qualifications and building their skills in a real world context.
Benefits for your business
Why will apprentices help build your business?
Engineering and manufacturing apprenticeships are fast becoming sought after roles as the need for qualified staff grows and increasing compeition can be seen amongst Engineering companies for the best applicants.
Taking apprentices into your business should be part of your long term strategy as it can:
- boost productivity by freeing up more experienced staff for expert level tasks
- build skills and knowledge in your team
- enhance your company reputation in the local area
- ensure diversity of age, ethnicity and gender in your workforce
- increase loyalty and retention of staff in your business by showing investment in their potential
Over 3/4 of employers say that apprentices increase productivity across their workforce.

Are there different apprenticeship levels?
Consider the apprenticeship level that best fills your skills gaps

SMEs and Apprenticeships
Did you know that despite an increase in the number of candidates some SME businesses struggle to recruit apprentices to fill the roles they have on offer? Read our blog to find out more about the oversupply problem and what you can do about it as an SME employer.
Coming soon - link to oversupply blogJargon buster

The apprenticeship levy is a tax on larger employer that is used to fund apprenticeship training and small businesses with apprenticeship costs

Providers are the educational institutions who manage the training qualifications for apprenticeships, such as a school or college.

Placements are the work based training activities that apprentices undertake, these are long-term job based roles.

Each apprenticeship has a set of standards which the apprentice must meet to pass their qualification.

Apprentice qualifications have levels equivalent from GCSE or Nationals (level 2) all the way up to Masters (level 7) so everyone understands how they relate to other qualifications.
Useful information and links - click the arrows to expand each section
UK Gov website
Apprentices.Scot - Scottish Government website
Welsh Government website
About apprenticeships
The Apprenticeship Guide - blog archive
The Apprenticeship Hub
Lifetime training - rules for employers
Need 2 Succeed - employer guide to apprenticeships
UCAS - information for Businesses
Understanding the Education Landscape
What about T-levels?
Confused about T-levels and how they work with apprenticeships? Looking for guidance and information? We've pulled together a simple guide for you to make the most of the best type of placement for your business.
Go to the T Levels page